PSO2NGS Winter 2022 Mischief Symbols Guide

Update: Video added to the post. (February 6, 2022)

Here’s a quick guide I published on my Guilded server for the Winter 2022 Mischief Symbols in Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis. I may make a video version of it later today and just update this post with it too.

First, use the mini-map on the top-left of each screenshot to find the general position. Then use the main screen to find the exact location. If you need extra help, here’s a video too.

Completing this small seasonal task will give you a Title but it will only be available until next week on February 8th 2022. So make sure you do it before then or you will miss out.

How search works in PSO2 Player Shops

Welp, it’s been a while since I last published something here even though I said I would start doing the opposite. But it’s time to fix that.

First of all, going to post this quick guide related to PSO2 and its player or personal shop system. More specifically, how to search in it to find your favorite cosmetic, weapon, or item. It’s a guide I’ve been thinking of making since a while ago. There is also stuff going on with overall N Masters, Makendo Central, and game development things but I’ll share that in a post after this one.

Anyway, let’s start with this quick guide which you can find inside this post.

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How to begin and easy understand PSO2

I recently worked on a private video (rough video, no plans of sharing it publicly at the moment) to help out a few friends on learning how to start and play PSO2. One of the things I ended up doing was writing a whole script and I feel it’s something I could easily share publicly to help out other people.

So if you are just starting PSO2 or thinking about playing and need some sort of quick start guide, you’re welcome to click and read this blog post as it may have very useful information for you. Also, this post is a work in progress and feedback is welcome in the comments.

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Proper RGB setup is important

Video settings have gotten more complicated in the recent years. To be more precise, since HD TVs started to appear, there’s been more settings to configure.

The easiest part to configure is the resolution, as that’s pretty much done automatically and in the right way. The real confusion comes with another setting in the video, the RGB Range. Setting this part correctly is as important as the resolution, specially if you are going to take screenshots, record video, or stream. It’s even more important if you’re going to do any kind of graphic comparison.

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Assault Android Cactus needs to be available on Switch

Several weeks ago, I was able to play Assault Android Cactus thanks to the Xbox Live Gold free games program. I was really surprised that the game isn’t better known since it’s actually a really good game. It’s a twin stick shooter where the focus isn’t in knowing how to survive but instead is in knowing how to defeat your enemies as efficiently as possible. Survival is just part of it as it’s obviously always more beneficial to be actively attacking the whole time than having to be waiting until your character reactivates.

Before I go on with this post, I want to clear up that this isn’t a review (or a Quick Review). While part of  it can be taken as a review, this will focus more on why I think the game would be great on Switch.

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FIFA World Cup 2018 Final match simulation

Just for fun, I decided to record a simulation (and prediction, I guess) of the upcoming Russia World Cup 2018 final match through PES 2018. The default line ups were used except for a few changes in the substitutes. Both teams were left up to be controlled completely by the CPU by activating Coach Mode on both sides and enabling automatic substitutions and formations.

PS. Konami, where is PES for Nintendo Switch??? Why are you letting EA get all the customers? (aka, “Konami, why don’t you like easy money?”)